For the past three weeks, a baby red-tailed hawk — let’s call him “Red” — visits every morning after I feed Poe (crow) and family, Navi (squirrel) and family, Hip (chippie) and family, and Meep (blue jay) and family.
Red came here for one reason, and one reason only — revenge for killing his mother.
Crows and hawks are mortal enemies. But crows are so intelligent and protective of their territory, they are usually the aggressors. Self-preservation at its finest. In battle, it’s safer to stay on offense than defense.
Red was smaller than a full-grown American Crow — fledglings usually are — but that didn’t stop him from trying to attack Poe. Every time Poe flew from tree to tree, the hawk followed.
As Poe slalomed through the trees with Red inches from her tail-feathers, my heart stalled.
Fun fact: A crow’s tail-feathers detach without pain, allowing them to break free from a predator.
It struck me as odd that Poe didn’t retaliate. Not once! I couldn’t figure out why. Did she feel bad about killing Red’s mother? Nah. That didn’t make sense. Poe protected her family. An adult red-tailed hawk will kill a crow fledgling, if they can catch ’em.
Captivated by the aerial pursuits for almost two solid hours, I got the feeling Poe was amused by Red’s antics. Cute little guy trying to act like a big shot. She purposefully flew in front of Red to wind him up. I swear she enjoyed tormenting him. Poe’s such a rascal. To me, it felt more like a game of Russian roulette. But hey, I’m not an expert aerialist like her. Crows can outmaneuver most birds. Hence why they’re so successful as a species.
When Red got too aggressive, Poe let out an alarm call. Within seconds, her murder soared in.
All sixteen crows surrounded Red in neighboring trees. The little guy didn’t stand a chance. Hawkeyed 😉 on Poe, he also refused to leave.
Vendettas… they can warp one’s sense of reality.
Hours bled into days. Every morning, I gaped, panic risen in my chest but helpless to do anything about it. Though I’m Team Crow, I kinda felt bad for Red. An emotional rollercoaster of my own creation because of a similar experience.
Two years ago, this enormous sharp-shinned hawk targeted Poe’s family, and I watched in awe as the murder gathered with military precision. Poe and Edgar stomped on one wing, Allan and Thoreau lifted the other, and they barrel rolled this monstrous bird till she spiraled to her death.
I jolted to my feet and cheered.
The happy buzz didn’t last long.
The sharp-shinned hawk had a new fledgling, who must’ve been hiding in the trees. This little dude flew to the asphalt and attempted to drag his mom off the road before the crows could feast.
Tears flooded my eyes. Even the murder stopped, quieted, and bowed their heads.
Sure, they protected their family, but corvids are empathetic beings. They feel a lot more than humans give them credit for.
In the last decade or so with Poe, I’ve witnessed a wide range of emotions, from the depths of despair from losing one of their own to unadulterated excitement and joy, and the beautiful bonds of love shared between lifelong mates. I was also present when Allan tried to woo a female, and felt the sting of rejection when she flew off with a different suitor. Poor baby sulked in my yard for days.
Another hawk hadn’t died in my presence till the red-tailed mother targeted Poe’s fledglings a few weeks ago. And again, the baby hawk (now known as Red) hid among the safety of the woods and watched his mother fall to her death.
For those who may judge Poe for her actions, lest we not forget natural selection — only the strong survive.
If a predator entered your home, would you kill to protect your family? In my state, it’s legal to do so.
On the holiday weekend, I had plans to drive to the seacoast on Friday. I hated to leave, but what could I do? Still, everything within me warned me not to go.
Would Poe be all right when I returned on Tuesday? The question whirled on an endless loop for the 2.5 hour drive south, reappeared during quiet moments, and returned with a vengeance for the entire ride home.
The moment I stepped out the driver’s door, Poe cawed from the tree beside me. I could breathe again. The next morning, I’d barely stepped inside my sunroom/office after feeding my furred and feathered family when Red barreled across the yard after my beloved Poe. Only now, Red’s chest had filled out. He still stood shorter than Poe but not by much.
Once again, Poe refused to retaliate. The murder surrounded Red like before, but it didn’t faze him. In two weeks, he’d packed on the pounds by feeding on chipmunks, jays, cardinals, mourning doves, and any other little bird or critter he could catch.
Today, Red matches Poe wing to wing, head to tail. Edgar, Allan, and Thoreau still outweigh him but not for long. Red’s transforming into a dangerous predator who’s hellbent on punishing Poe.
While writing this story, I stopped three times when the aerial fights heated up. Think Poe will give the call to retaliate? Still no. And it’s killing me! What is she waiting for?
None of the crows seem all that bothered by Red. Maybe he’s not big enough yet to be considered an actual threat? No idea. All I know is, if this feud doesn’t end soon, I may need a cardiologist.
On Friday (Nov. 1), I’m heading out of town to go house-hunting. By the time I return, Red will be even bigger. It’s like Poe’s waiting for a worthy opponent to emerge. Let’s hope she doesn’t wait too long. Red has the heart of a lion, the drive of a cheetah, and the attitude of a hippo king.
Sorry to say, the saga continues… I’ll fill you in once I have an ending.
As writers, what can we learn from this story?
- The hero needs a worthy opponent. Otherwise, they’re playing a foolish game.
- Every motivation has a reaction. To see this in action, read this story about Poe and a sweet raven named Rave. The corvid saga concludes with a fun way to test your story with color.
- Stories need conflict and obstacles. Don’t let anyone achieve their goals easily.
- Face your fears, dear writer. Don’t avoid the blank page because you suffer from imposter syndrome or fear failure. No one can edit a blank page. If you’re having trouble or feel blocked, do writer sprints or free write, as JSB advised a time or two.
- White space is your friend. Don’t overwhelm the reader with long blocks of text. Test paragraphing on your Kindle, tablet, or e-reader app.
- Don’t end your story with a cliffhanger. I had no choice, but in fiction, we need a believable ending.
- Like the POV character, the villain must want something. What drives each of them?
- I want peace.
- Poe wants to protect her family.
- Red wants revenge.
I think that about covers it. Did I miss an obvious writing lesson?
Wow, Sue, what a dramatic tale unfolding in your backyard. No “villains” per se, but rather two heroes with opposing goals. Each is driven by compelling, understandable needs. The suspense is agonizing b/c we know this battle can’t end well.
Knowing how much you cherish your crow family, you’ve done an amazing job of stepping back to transform this into a valuable lesson for storytelling. Thanks, my friend!
Thanks, Debbie. Yes, this can’t end well. I consider Red a villain because of my love for Poe, but at the same time, I understand him. Anti-hero vs. hero? Or just a well-crafted villain? 😉
Riveting post, Sue. My heart was in my throat while I read this. That image of the fledging trying to pull his mother away makes me understand why the hawk wants revenge. Realizing backstory at a crucial moment.
We had another hawk incursion here a little while ago. My wife and I left on our morning walk and there was a ruckus in the huge fir tree across the street, one of several crow gathering areas. We looked back at could see a hawk perched on top, motionless, as a couple of the local crows circled around, calling out, and more arrived. A few moments later, the hawk flew off. We resumed our walk.
About two-thirds of a mile later, we were coming back on the loop the route takes when we saw the hawk perched on a tree, motionless. One crow soon arrived, then another, as a third called for reinforcements. We didn’t stick around to see the conclusion, but typically the hawk, or eagle, is driven off here.
Crows remind me of humans–coordinated action in numbers.
Like Debbie, I want to thank you for putting this riveting tale into a story telling lesson.
Hope your week goes well, my friend.
“Coordinated action in numbers” is the perfect way to look at it, Dale!
Yes, crows often drive hawks away here, as well. It’s their duty to protect the little critters and birds. I know the jays appreciate it. 😀
Hope you have a fabulous week, too!
Really, really enjoyed this, Sue!
Maybe the two will call a truce? I guess in nature that rarely happens, though.
4. Face your fears, dear writer. Don’t avoid the blank page because you suffer from imposter syndrome or fear failure. No one can edit a blank page. If you’re having trouble or feel blocked, do writer sprints or free write, as JSB advised a time or two. (It’s like you can see my screen…!) 🙂
Keep us posted on the Backyard Drama.
Haha! We all suffer from first page syndrome from time to time, Deb. What I do in my series is, I write the ending, then keep going while the fire’s hot. That extra on the end becomes the first page of the next book.
I’ve seen crows strike truces before. Still, Red is a danger to my other wildlife, so he needs to move on to a new location. No hunting allowed in my yard. LOL
Fantastic post, Sue. A drama played out in real time in your back yard. And a great list of lessons for writers. I especially like “The hero needs a worthy opponent.”
Personally, I’m hoping Red finds a girlfriend and the two of them fly off to another part of the state to start their own tribe. Trading revenge for happiness.
Love your HEA ending, Kay! That would work for me, as well.
Enjoyed your post, Sue. When I was a reporter, an antique dealer went to jail for selling a stuffed crow. They are migratory species, so his actions were illegal.
Thanks, Elaine. Glad the antique dealer went to jail. Disgraceful behavior.
A good villain (for a story) must have a justification, for they never think of themselves as bad or evil. I like to think up a “closing argument” for my bad guys
I’m typing this in my back yard. We have lots of trees and my wife loves to hear the birds singing in the morning. Some time ago, all was silent. We discovered a hawk hanging around. He perched himself at the top of a tree each day, dive bombed squirrels and other birds.
We also have a number of crows. One day I looked up and saw two crows chasing the hawk, like the hawk was a Russian MiG and the crows were Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer in Top Gun. We haven’t seen that hawk since. The birds are singing again.
Thanks for the great story.
two crows chasing the hawk, like the hawk was a Russian MiG and the crows were Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer in Top Gun.
Hahahaha! Thanks for the chuckle, Jim. Needed it today. Glad your birds are singing again!
I do hope Poe wins for you but like you, I understand why Red’s the way he is.
Me too, Traci. Poe will prevail. She always does. Hopefully, Red will find a new place to hang out, so this can end.