A full circle moment occurs when life provides clarity about the past.
The journey begins with an often harrowing event, we endure trials and tribulations along the way, then end up right where we started.
Only now, we have the wisdom of life experience and personal growth to view the past from a new perspective.
Have you experienced a full circle moment in your life?
I’m living one right now. As I mentioned before, I grew up in Massachusetts. When I moved to New Hampshire, I said I’d never return, that no one could pay me to live there again. And that remained my mindset for decades. But now, after a series of difficult personal experiences and a new, enlightened perspective, I plan to move back to Massachusetts. Everything about my decision feels right — it feels like I’ve finally found my way home.
If I were to write my life story one day, the jangle of the key in the lock of my new home would become a powerful full circle moment in the book.
A full circle moment completes the character arc.
Story Circle
Dan Harmon is the mastermind behind the Story Circle. Currently an executive producer at Rick and Morty, he also created and ran the NBC show Community. Dan consolidated Joseph Campbell’s classic Hero’s Journey from 17+ steps into a more contemporary set of 8, each with a punchy one-word descriptor that makes them easy to remember.
Please ignore my lame attempt at drawing a straight line with a mouse. 😀
YOU: A compelling main character (YOU) has a problem.
NEED: YOU have a need.
YOU want something. YOU are not satisfied with a ho-hum lifestyle. Either this desire stems from an internal NEED before the inciting incident, or something or someone comes along to awaken the desire within YOU.
GO: YOU cross the threshold into an adventure.
YOU have packed your bags to search for a brighter tomorrow. Not only are YOU ready to GO but you’re going no matter what. No one can stop YOU. The NEED is too strong to ignore.
SEARCH: YOU find the answer to your problem.
Mission accomplished. Or is it?
YOU land in a new country and don’t speak the language, nor are YOU familiar with the culture.
Let’s see what YOU are made of. Will YOU adapt? Or fall apart? Perhaps a little of both.
FIND: Things are not how they appear.
This is a major threshold the character must cross, one that spins the story in a new direction. The protagonist has come this far. There’s no turning back. YOU must do everything within your power to fight to fulfill your NEED.
TAKE: But there’s always a price to pay.
How badly do YOU want it? This is where we see how steep of a price the protagonist is willing to pay to get what they NEED.
In this part of the story, the protagonist comes face-to-face with the villain and dangerously close to death, real or internal. The climax is the culmination of everything YOU have been fighting for since the beginning.
RETURN: After YOU slay the metaphorical (or real) dragon, YOU RETURN to the ordinary world.
YOU have fulfilled your NEED, defeated the villain, learned something about yourself, and are ready to RETURN home. In a romcom, it’s here where the hero races to the airport to prevent his soulmate from boarding the plane. In a thriller, the protagonist has defeated the villain and must RETURN home, even if there’s more danger in the near future.
CHANGE: The journey has changed YOU, for better or worse.
YOU are not the same person YOU were before. Are YOU wiser? Better prepared for the unexpected? Or more cautious, even paranoid? How has the journey changed YOU?
Wizard of Oz — Story Circle Example
YOU: Dorothy is in the black-and-white world, dreaming (in song) about traveling over the rainbow rather than stay in Kansas.
NEED: A twister dumps Dorothy’s house in a colorful town square. No longer in a black-and-white world, she enters a land of technicolor and NEEDs to adapt to a new and unfamiliar place.
GO: When Dorothy first lands in Oz, she doesn’t know where she is or how she got there. Soon, she realizes she’s “over the rainbow” and her NEED now is to get home. The only way to do that is to journey to see the great and powerful Oz. She also must stay on the yellow brick road and watch out for the Wicked Witch of the West. But she must go. The NEED to GO home is too great. Dorothy begins her adventure.
SEARCH: With advice from Glinda, the Good Witch of the North*, and her ruby red slippers, Dorothy and Toto follow the yellow brick road toward the great unknown. For the first few steps, she literally focuses on putting one foot in front of the other until she moves farther down the road.
Along the way she encounters the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Lion. She also endures conflict and obstacles — facing her fears, traversing through the forest, and finding a way to meet the great and powerful Oz.
*In the original novel Glinda is the Good Witch of the South, but I used “North” from the 1939 film adaptation because it’s more well-known.
FIND: The Emerald City is finally within sight. Dorothy believes the field of poppies is a beautiful and faster way to get there. But all is not how it appears. To steal the ruby red slippers, the Wicked Witch of the West has placed a field of magical sleep-inducing poppies on the outskirts of the city, and Dorothy and Toto fall into a deep slumber.
This scene is a beautiful example of the fifth stage of the Story Circle that hints at the darkness that creeps within us all, even more so when we set out to make our dreams a reality.
TAKE: The Wicked Witch of the West sends her band of flying monkeys to bring Dorothy and her friends to the castle. But the flying monkeys can’t harm Dorothy because she wears the mark of the Good Witch of the North on her forehead. Dorothy is forced to choose between her magic slippers and Toto, whom the Wicked Witch threatens to drown if Dorothy refuses to comply.
When the Wicked Witch torches the Scarecrow, his straw is set on fire. Dorothy tosses a bucket of water to help her friend but also wets the Wicked Witch, who melts into a puddle on the floor.
Dorothy’s victory shows the reader/viewer she has the inner strength to complete her quest.
RETURN: Dorothy discovers the wizard is a fraud. But luckily, there’s still a way to get home. The answer has been on Dorothy’s feet the entire time. She clicks her heels three times and repeats, “There’s no place like home.”
CHANGE: Dorothy realizes her home and family are the most valuable treasures on earth. She’s no longer the dreamy girl who wishes to leave Kansas. She’s grateful for what she has and finds happiness in the simple things.
She is transformed. And it’s a powerful full circle moment.
Have you experienced a full circle moment in your life? Tell us about it. Or share your favorite full circle moment from a book or movie.
Are you familiar with the Story Circle? Pantser or plotter, it’s an easy way to test your character arc.
Thank you to all our military men and women for your service. Happy Veterans Day!
Please note: I’m on the road today, so I may not be available to respond to comments right away.
I’m thankful and grateful to all those who served our country in war and in peace.
Thank you Dad for naval service in the hell of the Pacific. Thank you Uncle Bill for surviving the landing and battle on Omaha Beach. Thanks to all my fellow USAF flyers who survived Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan and other fights against enemies who attacked us. Thanks to my friends in the Coast Guard for saving so many lives.Thanks to the United States Marine Corps- truly Semper Fidelis!
Beautiful testimonial, Doc. Thanks for sharing.
Take that, Thomas Wolfe!
Haha! Thanks, Mike. 🙂
This circle is pretty much the same as Chris Vogler’s “Hero’s Inner Journey.” It can be helpful, though I’m not sure what “Meeting the goddess” means. My own idea is that the bottom of the circle, the halfway point, is where the mirror moment occurs.
Agreed, Jim. The mirror moment, and the lessons learned through that growth, often spins the story in a new direction.
I often think of the fulll circle as something the protagonist can do at the end that they couldn’t do at the beginning.
WAIT!! You’re moving?? What will happen to Poe?
Agreed, Patricia.
I’ve been training Poe and family to follow my car.. So far, they’ve flown two exits down on highway. Might need to take backroads so it’ll be easier for them to follow. Haven’t given up hope yet! 🐦⬛
Thank you to all the brave men and women who have served in the U.S. military. Many of them did not come home again.
A special thanks to my husband, Frank, who served in the U.S. Navy. And a salute to all authors who are on their own voyage: Anchors aweigh!
Best wishes to you, Sue, as you complete the circle.
Thank you, Kay. 😁
With gratitude to all veterans, living or gone, whose sacrifices protect our freedoms.
As Jim mentioned, the Story Circle echoes Joseph Campbell and Chris Vogler. “Bookending” is another term for the same circular concept. The protagonist winds up in the same place they started but is changed by the journey.
Sue, hope your journey back to Massachusetts brings creative and personal fulfillment! Take a deep breath of salty ocean air for me!
Will do, Debbie! Thank you 😊
My father, his three brothers, and their father all served in the U.S. military and I’m grateful to them and to all veterans for their service to our nation and to protect our freedoms.
I am familiar with the Story Circle–loved Dan Harmon’s show “Community,” which used this to great effect. Here’s to your completing the circle. Thinking of you, my friend.
Thanks so much, Dale! There’s light at the end of this tunnel. 🥰
Happy Veterans Day, and thank you to the men and women who made this day possible.
I found your blog about the story circle extremely useful, Sue.
Super, Elaine. Glad it resonated with you.
Glad you were able to go home again. I had the same experience upon returning to my native Michigan 7 years ago. Didn’t realize I had missed it so dearly until we made the decision to move there. Didn’t realize my circle was unclosed until suddenly I didn’t feel like a nomad anymore. I am one of those folks who truly believe your soul has somewhere on earth where it feels most at home. I feel my blood pressure go down every time I look out the airplane window and see my home. It’s a very powerful, visceral feeling.
It sure is, Kris. Like you, I didn’t realize my circle wasn’t complete until I hit my “home” area. Funny how that works. And yes, I believe the same. Well said. 😊
My MC returned to her home after a near death experience (full circle), even though, like you, Sue, she never thought she would willingly do so.
I hope your homecoming is much better than hers!
Thanks so much, Cyn! ☺️