Let’s face it, words are fun. Readers and writers alike love the sound and feel of words. Words are to readers and writers as paint is to a painter, or metal is to a fabricator.
Speaking of, I ran across (not literally, of course!) a website that I’ve been playing with. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe not.
It’s called Random Ready. You’ll find lots and lots of word fun there, along with other categories of randomness for your word pleasure.
Click on “Words” at the top of the Home Page and you’ll be able to find synonyms, funny words, weird words, words to use when playing Charades, and on and on and on.

Who knew there were so many synonyms for mustache?
There’s even a tab called Fake Words! Here are the first fake words I saw:
Specons, Disatilingers, Preoriandy, Onoutpout, Outweing, Hypoplate, Memodecruit, Elocratonics, Bergeagers, Scologicts
Wild, huh? I dare you to go to Random Ready and have a bit of fun. And don’t forget to let us know what tickled your fancy!
Happy Friday, Deb.
I played and was reminded of this word:
Xenoglossia–being able to understand a language you never studied. Sometimes this was alleged to have a spiritual or supernatural element to it. However, this leads to the possible explanation, another unusual (to me at least) word:
Cryptomnesia. According to Wikipedia, this is “where memories of a language acquired earlier in life re-enter the consciousness in certain exceptional circumstances.”
In the words of Spock, “Fascinating, just fascinating…”
Thanks for playing this morning, Dale, and have a fascinating weekend!
Good morning, Deb.
I chose “Weird Words” and I liked this one:
Polemoscope – Telescope With Angled Mirrors For Seeing Over Walls Or Around Corners
I had one of those when I was a kid.
Have a great weekend.
Hi Kay!
I think my brother had one of those, back before he learned how to share with his loving & generous sister!
Wait, what?
His jealous & devious sister…🙄
Thanks for the cool word, my friend!
Words are, indeed, fun. Some of my favorites:
Dumpadeedus: n., posterior
Bingoid: adj., almost correct
Flibberty-Gibbet: n., flighty person
Cattywampus: adj., askew
Splooch: n., amount ejected from a plastic bottle with a single squeeze. Approx. 2 ml.
Great list of fun words, J! (Especially the first…and the second…and the last…)
Have a great weekend!
A great site for ideas in names, places, and objects you might not consider as a symbol or ongoing thing that keeps showing up in a book. I could waste way too much time playing on that site.
Agreed…any lover of words could easily *waste* a lot of time on this site.
But…dang, it’s fun! 🥳
Thanks for popping in!