Reader Friday-Fun With Words

Let’s face it, words are fun. Readers and writers alike love the sound and feel of words. Words are to readers and writers as paint is to a painter, or metal is to a fabricator.

Speaking of, I ran across (not literally, of course!) a website that I’ve been playing with. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe not.

It’s called Random Ready. You’ll find lots and lots of word fun there, along with other categories of randomness for your word pleasure.

Click on “Words” at the top of the Home Page and you’ll be able to find synonyms, funny words, weird words, words to use when playing Charades, and on and on and on.

Who knew there were so many synonyms for mustache?

There’s even a tab called Fake Words! Here are the first fake words I saw:

Specons, Disatilingers, Preoriandy, Onoutpout, Outweing, Hypoplate, Memodecruit, Elocratonics, Bergeagers, Scologicts

Wild, huh? I dare you to go to Random Ready and have a bit of fun. And don’t forget to let us know what tickled your fancy!