Reader Friday: What Subjects Are You Passionate About?

Last Tuesday marked the start of a new endeavor for me: teaching a 5-week course on serial killers. I never tire of the subject. To some, it may seem like a strange passion/obsession, but all aspects of murder and forensics fascinate me.

Apart from the craft of writing, what subject(s) are you passionate about?

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About Sue Coletta

Sue Coletta is an award-winning crime writer and an active member of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers. Feedspot and named her Murder Blog as “Best 100 Crime Blogs on the Net.” She also blogs at the Kill Zone, Story Empire, and Writers Helping Writers. Sue lives in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. Her backlist includes psychological thrillers, the Mayhem Series (books 1-4) and Grafton County Series, and true crime/narrative nonfiction. Now, she writes gripping eco/environmental thrillers with a focus on wildlife conservation, Mayhem Series (books 5-9 and continuing). Sue's appeared on the Emmy award-winning true crime series, Storm of Suspicion, and three episodes of A Time to Kill on Investigation Discovery. Learn more about Sue and her books at

50 thoughts on “Reader Friday: What Subjects Are You Passionate About?

  1. That’s a great question, Sue! My main interest is a lifelong interest and fascination in the process by which works of art, particularly in music, literature, and “motion pictures,” travel the long spear from conception to (hopefully) public awareness. It has become both easier and more difficult over time.

  2. So many subjects, so little time! LOL!
    1) Mobility in older ages–as in, why does it seem we are less capable of being physically mobile into old age than we used to be? What does it take to get through to people’s thick skulls that they need to move and use their body if they expect it to be there for them as they age? How can we change the medical & educational system as well as individuals to engage mobility for long life?

    2) Arizona history. When I adopted my now native home of Arizona almost 25 years ago, I fell in love with its history. Relatively speaking, Arizona is young (just 110 years of statehood as of this past Monday, Feb. 14. And BTW, celebrate with me on Feb 24 as we honor the date Lincoln signed the order for Arizona to become a separate territory from New Mexico. WOOT! WOOT!) but I love studying her history.

    3) History of the American West that ISN’T hyper-focused on. Wish I’d been alive and living out west in the 1800’s. Tons of people hyper focus on Wyatt Earp, Geronimo, etc. That’s fine and good, but I want to know about the REST of the history. One specific area I’m VERY interested in is what it was like for and the impact on people already living in the west (Arizona and otherwise) when the federal government pulled up stakes and called the army back east when the Civil War broke out. Much is written on the Civil War, but not about those impacted by that decision, even if the population wasn’t as big out west as it is now.

    Haven’t had nearly as much time as I want to study these & other subjects, but I keep at it.

  3. I’m passionate about just learning. Doesn’t matter–I’ve been known to read the backs of cereal boxes when they have interesting tidbits. That and keeping my body moving like BK suggests–I’ve already done 45 minutes of moving exercise ’cause she’s right–don’t move it, you lose it.

  4. I second BK’s physical wellbeing (my next post on 3/1 is about that) and Patricia’s learning. I’m endlessly curious AKA nosy.

    Psychology and why people do what they do.

    Justice b/c it’s so rare in real life. A major theme in my upcoming book UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY is that the law often does not dispense justice.

  5. Good morning! I hope the start of you SK course went well which, knowing you, I’m sure it did.

    I have one main passion outside of writing. It’s boating. I’ve been a boater all my life and hold a Transport Canada 60-Ton Marine Captain Ticket. After I retired from the death biz, I spent a time operating commercial grizzly-bear and whale watching boats in the Pacific Northwest and have been pretty much everywhere along the BC coast from Washington to Alaska. Once Rita retires in 2024, we’re going to buy a larger live-aboard where I’ll be writing from the wheelhouse. Toot toot!

  6. Travel. I acquired wanderlust as a child, from reading books set in exotic places, and I burned to see them all. Hard to do as someone whose ancestors came to Virginia in the 1700s and settled on a land grant given for services rendered to the English Crown, and stayed right there. But I went away to college, met a guy who shared my dream, and we’ve been wandering ever since.

  7. Invention. Thinking “outside the box.” New ways to do things better, cheaper, more efficiently. Not bigger, faster, or on some phone app. I have some nonfiction projects on the back burners that I’m still researching.

  8. Happy Friday, Sue! I’m passionate about history. I have a degree in history, and love reading history, including military history, history of science etc. I’m a passionate gamer–especially board games and role-playing. These days that can mean playing board gaming and roleplaying online. Thank Goodness for Boardgame Arena and roll20.

    Astronomy is a life-long passion and I’ve been catching up for lost time these past two years, both in terms of my reading and in getting out under the stars as often as I can.

    Finally, I have to echo BK, too, about the importance of movement. I’m passionate about that–I do light weightlifting, and my wife and I do Zumba online three times a week, Yoga four, and daily walks, supplemented for by “tree dodging” in the back yard when I am out a night stargazing.

    • Oh, I love astronomy, Dale. There’s nothing better than a night sky diamondized with stars.

      History is fascinating subject, too. History matters, plain and simple.

    • I loved astronomy, was secretary of the USC Astronomy Deparment for a semester, took 3 astronomy electives: Solar System Astronomy, Determination of Orbits, & Astrophysics.

  9. For the past 16 years I’ve been committed to maintain a balance between physical and mental activity. I spend 90 minutes a day brisk walking and 90 minutes a day completing word games, seven days a week.

    Subjects I’m most fascinated by include:

    – Industrial archaeology
    – History and characteristics of the English language
    – Modern art
    – Modern dance

    • Wow, Sue Ann. That’s awesome. I *wish* I was as structured. I do walk and I’ve been dyin’ to Zoomba, but I said yes to too many projects this year. Once March rolls around, things should calm enough for me to put that plan into motion.

      • Sue,
        Regarding exercise: I’ve found the most important factor in sticking to it on a regular basis is to find an exercise you like that you can fit into your schedule and circumstances, even if you need to break it up into two or more sessions a day.
        My favorite exercise has always been swimming, but it’s neither a practical nor a convenient activity for me, anymore, but brisk walking fits perfectly.

        • I walk every 25 min for 8-10 min to keep the blood flowing and the joints lubed, but I never considered breaking up a Yoga or Zoomba class (online) into more than one session. That does take the pressure off. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will try it today. 🙂

          Oh, how I adore swimming. That’s my favorite exercise, too, but it’s not at all convenient. We need inside pools at home!

          • Love this idea of getting up & moving every 25 minutes. Aside from the benefits of the walking, we take our “up and go” muscles for granted that we use to rise up from our chairs. So critically important that we all learn NOT to take that simple act for granted.

            • Good point, Brenda! My rheumatologist suggested the schedule of getting up and walking every 25 minutes. As usual, he’s right. That simple act greatly improves arthritic knees and feet.

  10. I love learning, and my interests are pretty widespread. Writing fiction has allowed me a reason to learn widely. Everything from ethnobotany to boat explosions. Like Patricia, the paranormal has always been a subject of interest for me. Also, organic gardening, mower repair, cooking, and my current fascination with what the younger generations are interested in and how they talk about it, AKA Reddit YouTube videos. I also answer questions of Quora.

  11. Probably no surprise to anyone my passion is history, concentrating on Scottish history. My fascination with medieval combat is probably an outgrowth of that.

  12. Great question, Sue. It should be no surprise to anyone that one passion of mine is running. Although I’ve slowed down (a lot) over the years, I still run three days a week and cross-train three days. One day off. I don’t always meet that goal, but I’m determined to keep at it.

    I suppose my other passion is problem-solving. That’s really fundamental to my personality and feeds into everything I do. Whether it’s playing word games, solving math problems, or figuring out how to navigate this fascinating labyrinth of writing novels, I love the creative challenge.

  13. Wood fired grilling/cooking. Love it and always have, to a point that I started my own blog about it, mostly to keep an online recipe resource for myself, haha. Have a great weekend everyone, and no matter what, try to get a few words down on the paper today.

  14. I love puzzles, and the greatest puzzle of them all, the human brain. I also love books, making things of wood, libraries, museums, swimming, and dancing. And chess, once upon a time.

  15. What fun to read through the responses. My greatest passions are making my lawn bee and bird friendly with flowers and bushes, living in and exploring the “Driftless Area,” participating in building a local inclusive community group, listening to my adult children philosophize about life, politics, psychology, economics.

    And, as others have written, routinizing physical activity (walks, gardening) and moderating eating habits (now that Christmas candy is gone) to balance my butt-in-chair time.

    • I agree, Lisa. Everyone’s responses are so interesting and fun. We all talk writing so much, I wanted a different view of the writers/readers in our community. The answers make me adore you all even more.

      My husband’s the gardener in the family. He has the green thumb, though I ensure he plants bee, butterfly, and bird friendly plants. 😉

  16. I like history as I grew up in a century village. I like horseback riding, animals, especially my kitties, making a new home for us, my faith, how I turned out in life. I’m fascinated by odd tidbits. Especially horror-related though I prefer to leave the gore out of it.

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