Reader Friday-Let’s Work Out the Bugs

By Deb Gorman

Today we discuss . . . yep, you got it . . . bugs!

Some of my favorites: Here we have a box elder bug, an earwig, a grasshopper, a four-eyed spidery guy, and a praying mantis.

By far, my absolute favorite is the praying mantis–known sometimes as the most fearsome killer in the insect world. A black widow spider is scary, but it has to sit on its prey to kill it. A mantis can reach out and grab its lunch. And sometimes mantids even work together to bring down, say, a hummingbird! Each season we have lots of the little green guys in our yard, and they will even let me hand feed them.

Another favorite of mine is the Monarch butterfly. In my novel, No Tomorrows, one of the thematic elements is a Monarch. The main character, Annie, has a collection of Monarch pictures and nick-knacks because . . . oh, can’t tell you. You’ll have to read it!


Now, we’d like to hear about your favorite buggos. And why in the wide world are they your favorites? Do you ever include bugs in your writing?






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