The Thanksgiving Plague finally got me. I hadn’t had so much as a sniffle for six months. Several of my family members were sick in the days surrounding Thanksgiving–my daughter’s fiancé only came out from his room to give the 17 assembled guests a wave at the end of the feast. Fortunately, I didn’t get sick until Monday, after everyone was gone.
I don’t always work when I’m sick, but I always work when I have a deadline. In some ways, I like to write or edit when I’m ill because the illness keeps me in one place–bed, if I can manage it. As an HDW (Highly Distractible Writer, which I just made up), anything that keeps me seated for long periods of time is A Good Thing. I don’t care if it’s the kind of thing that demands two boxes of tissues and a box of Sucrets. (Do they even make Sucrets anymore? I loved those things.)
I edited for eleven hours today. I know that because I tracked it on Office Time which even keeps track of the time you’re away from your keyboard for your counting convenience. On a normal editing day, I get in about six or seven hours, with a bit of web surfing, dog walking, and errand-running at their edges. It’s amazing what a person can get done when they just toss the dogs outside and remind them to do their business, and fling ten bucks at their son so he can bring home pizza for those who can eat.
Today my protag opined about how much she likes to spend the occasional day reading in bed. Doesn’t that sound lovely? Maybe it was transferred wishful thinking on my part because, you know, deadline.
Do you write through the flu or migraines or colds or even broken body parts? Or are you sensible and take good care of yourself by putting all your mental and physical energy into getting better?
Laura, I’m astonished that you could edit while sick, especially as an HDW. When I’m sick my thinking gets muddled. I’m slow to answer simple questions much less read, write, or edit. (Oh dear, I wonder what that says about my neurons.) Anyway, you’ve impressed me!
You’re so nice, Priscilla. Now, I never said I’m not muddled… ; )
I’ve got the flu, so I feel your pain, Laura! Yep, I work no matter what (I’m on deadline too). The most difficult time was when I broke my collarbone a couple years ago, which also caused a frozen shoulder. That same shoulder now re-freezes every fall (not unusual with RA). I’m less likely to socialize on social media when I’m down-but-not-out. Instead, I block out the world and write. For me, there’s no better way to escape pain, body aches, and cold/flu symptoms.
Hope you feel better soon!
The flu?! You are a true trouper, Sue. I’m so sorry it got you. I’m wildly impressed that you even commented today.
I didn’t know you have RA. My dad has it as well and I know it can be capricious in its attacks. You are a dynamo of energy and dedication!
If you can create a useful and clever acronym like HDW, you can’t be in such bad shape.
Get well soon!
Thanks, Mike. I’ll count that as a win!
Hope feel better soon!
Also be aware JSB has an excellent post today at
Last year 4 surgeries (all for different problems) ending with nerve decompression and cervical fusion three days after I released book #2 in my suspese-thriller series. My series involves medical settings and action – unfortunately the writing process did as well.
BTW thanks to a lot of dedicated folks I’m 100% (playing basketball and writing pain-free)
So glad you’re back to 100%, Tom. That sounds like a huge challenge.
Always happy to read JSB’s wise words. Thanks for the link!
Wow, hope you feel better, Laura. You too, Sue. 🙁
Thanks, Steven!
Thanks, Steven!
I take a nice wifi-ed bus as part of my Thanksgiving trek to Michigan and it’s two hours of quiet where I usually get a lot done.
I am THIS CLOSE to finishing my final rewrites and fired up the puter when I got on the bus. Got the worst case of car sickness I ever got. Closed puter and sat there and moaned til I got to airport.
Hope you feel better, Laura!
Oh, Kris! How awful. That’s a nasty surprise. I hope your flight was much more pleasant and you’re back on track.
Feel better soon. You are a brave HDW.
Thank you, Brian. Onward! *cough cough*
I’m impressed by you writers who can and do work when you’re ill. When I get sick, I whimper and whine and ask my wife for more water, Pepsi, and tomato soup.
I can’t even watch TV or read.
I salute you. Which I could not do if I were ill.
Everybody loves a little pampering, Jim. It sounds like you’re doing just fine!
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