TKZ-recommended Indie Publishing Resources List Posted, Dictionary of Vintage Crime Terms

In case you missed it: We’ve posted the list of TKZ-recommended Indie Publishing Resources as a link in the sidebar (“Indie Publishing Resources We Love”). The list, which was requested by readers during a Reader Friday discussion, includes indie publishing resources that have actually been used by members of the TKZ community. If you would like to add to the list or make corrections, please leave a comment in the list document, or in the Comments following this blog post. Thanks!

Found Treasures: Dictionary of 19th-century Crime Terms

The Secret Language of Crime” is a delightful dictionary of vintage crime lingo. Written in 1859 by the Police Chief of New York City, the dictionary contains priceless words that cast a spell from the past: “barnacles” for handcuffs; “beau-traps” for fortune hunters;  “cheese” as a command to be quiet and listen. 

You can read more about resources for vintage words over at The New York Times. Take a look at the dictionary and tell us, which word do you think should be resurrected for modern use? My vote goes to “ambidexter,” for someone who befriends both sides of an issue. We could use some more ambidexters in Congress this week!

8 thoughts on “TKZ-recommended Indie Publishing Resources List Posted, Dictionary of Vintage Crime Terms

  1. Cranky-Hutch caught my eye. A hospital for the mentally ill. Thank you for pointing out the list of sources in the sidebar. I had missed it.

  2. Love the vintage crime lingo! Also, big thanks for mentioning the resource list. I had missed it, too, and had to scroll down/hunt to find it.

  3. Recently ran across a great one from the 16th century that I used in my YA pirate story – clinchpoop. Not, as you would suspect, for someone with OCD, but “a person lacking in gentlemanly breeding.”

  4. Thanks for posting that Indie Publishing Resource, Kathryn, and for including my editing services! I’ll be watching this list and adding some recommended resources of people I’ve worked with, especially me excellent cover designer!

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