By Joe Moore
It’s going to be a short post today because there’s little time to spare. Like any great thriller, the clock is ticking. My co-author Lynn Sholes and I are in a death match with none other than Dan-da-Vinci-Code-Brown. And we’re determined to win.
Don’t get me wrong, I like Dan Brown. At least I like his books. I’ve never actually met him, but I’m sure he’s a great guy you’d want to have a beer with. But today there’s something called the May Madness Thriller Author Smackdown over at a website/blog called Megalith. So a potential Brown-Sholes-Moore warm & fuzzy beer fest is not in the cards right now. This is serious smackdown stuff.
Each day of this month, the Megalith blog is matching up two thriller authors (or teams) to go head to head. The final round and championship will be on May 31. But today, we need your votes.
I mean, when you get right down to it, aside from a small difference of 80 million or so copies in sales, just like Dan’s, our thrillers have secret societies, ancient religious relics, angels and demons, globe-trotting heroes and villains, secret codes, seat-of-the-pants action, inside the Vatican cool stuff, creepy tunnels, dusty tombs, scary castles, and apocalyptic threats galore.
So call your family and friends, use names off headstones and the Chicago voter rolls—whatever it takes. Just get over to Megalith blog and vote. It’s a smackdown, and the future of the thriller world is in your hands.
Coming up on our Kill Zone Guest Sundays, watch for blogs from Sandra Brown, Steve Berry, Robert Liparulo, Thomas B. Sawyer, Paul Kemprecos, Linda Fairstein, Oline Cogdill and more.
Okay, I voted.
Now about that hundred bucks…
Thanks, Joyce. Check’s in the mail. 🙂
Looks like Mr. Brown needs to get himself a blog with loyal and faithful readers! You and Lynn are kicking his can down the street!
You go Lynn and Joe!
This is so fun! I love a good smackdown. Vote for Joe!
Hi Joe. I voted and it definitely looks as if you are well ahead!!!
I voted too!
Thanks everyone for voting. Hopefully, we’re headed for the finals at the end of the month. Not sure what this all means, but it really is fun.
You are so leading this race. 45 to 8 with my vote.
Gotcha’ covered mate.
Leonard voted too.
Thanks to all of you for votes! Wow, up against the MAN is a daunting experience. Thanks again!