Reader Friday-The Funniest Story Ever Told

By Deb Gorman

My husband’s 30+ year career as an in-home electronics repairman yielded some amazingly funny stories.

Like the one about the folks who kept a bathtub filled with water. Why? Well, it seems they had a horse whose pasture was right outside the bathroom wall.

A horse who would sidle over to the hole they cut in that wall so he could drink out of the bathtub. Who would’ve thought?

My human lets me drink *in* the house! 🙂 (Image courtesy of Pixabay)

And this one he told me just the other day. Seems a lady called and reported her TV would change channels all on its own. Do I hear Twilight Zone music . . .?

Collection of antique remotes

Now this was back in the day before infrared/Bluetooth remotes–instead, they worked with ultrasonic sound to talk to your TV and switch channels when the button was pressed.

My husband reported for duty in her living room, but could find nothing wrong. He said, “Have a nice day,” and left.

What’s your cat’s superpower?

And went back a second time when she called. While there, he observed the channel-switching phenomenon for himself. At the same time the channel magically changed, the lady’s cat jumped off the couch. The cat with a bell on its collar–which rang when he jumped.

My husband jokes that he told the lady to “remove the bell, and that’ll be a hundred dollars, please.”


Okay, it’s your turn, TKZers.

What’s the funniest story you’ve ever heard or told, and have you used it in your writing?