Twitterati: Is There a Writer Inside You?

James Scott Bell
I’ve been dispensing writing advice on Twitter for a year and a half. You know, 140 characters or less of timeless wisdom on the art and craft of fiction. At least that teaches one to write tight!

So from time to time I’d like to draw on the archives and post a nugget, and start a conversation. Get your feedback. See how we can form a “collective mind.”
In that spirit, here is today’s Twitterati:
Don’t ask, Do I have a book inside me? Ask: Inside, am I a writer? If the answer is yes, write and don’t stop.
Do you see yourself as a writer, or do you have doubts? What do you do about them?
What does “being a writer” mean to you?
Is there one book inside you, or are there more where that came from?
Have at it. We’ll talk.