Reader Friday-Worst Advice Ever

You said to do what?? (Image courtesy of Pixabay)

By Deb Gorman

We’ve discussed in these halls the best/worst advice ever given to us, particularly in the realm of writing.

Today, let’s flip that around.

What’s the worst advice or counsel you’ve ever given to someone else–come on, we’re all friends here–‘fess up!

I’ll start: Decades ago at my (first) wedding, I advised my Mom to not go looking for my little brother, age 10, who was the junior groomsman. She wanted to make sure he was properly kitted up in his miniature tux. I told her he knew how to dress himself, and to please stay with me.

Boy howdy, was I wrong!

He was given black socks to wear with his tux and spit-polished black dress shoes, but instead, he chose to wear his bright orange fuzzy tube socks. (Remember those?) They shone like a beacon under his too-short by two inches slacks.

I didn’t notice, being a very nervous bride, and family and guests were given strict instructions not to tell me. The professional photos were a sight to behold.

Not exactly a tuxedo, but the socks are orange! (Image courtesy of Pixabay)



Okay, your turn . . . worst advice you’ve ever dished out to someone else. We’re all ears–




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About Deb Gorman

Deb Gorman is an author, blogger, and speaker who escaped from a 9-5 job in the medical field to pursue what she really loves—words, words, and more words. A lifelong resident of the Pacific Northwest, she writes fiction and non-fiction in between long walks through orchard country with her husband, Alan, and playing with their German Shepherd, Hoka. You can catch up with Deb on her website,, and email her at

18 thoughts on “Reader Friday-Worst Advice Ever

  1. Encouraging a friend to stay in her marriage and try to work out problems. B/c both were really good, kind, decent people I cared a lot about, I hated to think of them splitting up. Turns out he was secretly gay.

    I resigned as Dear Abby and now keep my mouth shut.

  2. Oh goodness, this is hard because I’ve only been wrong twice in my life. If you don’t believe me, you can check my refrigerator and neither were those times advice to someone else.

    Seriously though, I think I’ll turn this on its head and tell about advice I gave that wasn’t followed . I advised my husband to buy gold when it was $36 an ounce. He didn’t do it. Enough said.

    • Ouch, Patricia! Has he been kicking himself ever since?

      (BTW to all TKZers reading this: you can turn this question on whatever head you want…)


  3. I set my best friend up with a ’really nice’ guy I knew. They were both divorced, both lonely, and I thought they’d be perfect for each other. They immediately clicked and I was happy for them.

    Turns out, he was a sadistic, manipulative emotional abuser. Being a strong woman, she ended the marriage after trying many things to make it work. Twenty years later, I still apologize, but she said she was a grown woman and walked into it with her eyes open. My friend is now with a truly nice man she wouldn’t have met if not for the disastrous marriage, but I still feel guilty. I’ve learned to stay out of God’s way.

  4. Becky, thanks for sharing that story. How hard that must’ve been for your friend, and for you!

    My little story of the orange tube socks was lighthearted, and of course now I laugh over it. But, there’ve been times I’ve dished out to someone and then heartily regretted it. We all have those. Most of mine involve my kiddos when they were younger, and thankfully, a few times they ignored my *advice*. Turns out that sometimes they were smarter than dear old Mom! 🙂

    I do hope you arrive at the place where you can stop beating yourself up over it, my friend.

    Maybe stick it in a story?

  5. Tough question, Deb. I’m still thinking. I either block the painful or stupid things I’ve done or said, or my mind is failing. Can I plead the fifth?

    If I think of something, I’ll come back and report. Don’t hold your breath.

    Have a good day!

  6. Tough question, Debbie. I’m no sage, and I’m certainly not a saint, but like Patricia and Steve above, I’m drawing a blank on giving bad advice. Not that I haven’t, I just can’t recall.

    So, I’ll follow in Patricia’s footsteps. I have tried to give writing advice that wasn’t followed—namely, manage your expectations. When a book fails to find a readership, get up, dust yourself off and get going on the next, with passionate and excitement.

    • Thanks, Dale. The “dust yourself off and get going…” is great advice, which we *should* follow no matter if it’s writing or life. I can’t say I’ve followed it every time, but I do wish I had in a few instances.

      Maybe this question was hard to answer after a busy week . . .


  7. Hilarious question, Deb!

    The only time I’ve given bad advice involved only hearing one side of the story in another couple’s relationship. No one knows what happens behind someone else’s closed doors. Hence why now, I play stupid or keep my mouth shut. Safer that way.

    • Wisdom from the wise gal . . .

      I’m with you. I can easily make a fool of myself in other ways without peeking behind someone else’s curtains.

      Have an awesome weekend, Sue!

  8. Back in 1999 I told friends not to buy any Amazon stock, as it was a “dot bomb” that would never be profitable.

    Oh, wait. That was Barron’s Magazine.

    I guess I really haven’t given any bad advice outside of “Let’s try the beets.”

    • 🙂

      Thanks, Jim . . . beets are always iffy in my book. BTW, would you explain the “Barron’s Magazine” comment, please?

      Have an LA weekend, my friend.

  9. Sorry to be so late — internet access has been up and down today.

    About the only advice I ever give is to my husband when he’s driving. I personally think it’s valuable advice, but he may have a different opinion.

    Have a great weekend everybody.

    • Good one, Kay.

      That advice never gets me anywhere, either. 🤡

      But I do 99% of the driving, so there’s that.

      Have a good weekend!

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