Reader Friday: Your Song

Sir Elton John, Wikimedia Commons

Sir Elton John has retired from the road. I’m a fan of his Bernie Taupin era, saw him in concert twice. I was in high school when his first hit, “Your Song,” came out. Which prompts today’s question: If you had an intro song that played every time you walked into a room, what would it be?

20 thoughts on “Reader Friday: Your Song

  1. “Thus Spoke Zarathustra.” Great question, Jim.

    Have a terrific weekend!

  2. My song would be “White Hot” by Red Rider. It helped me keep my sanity after my dream job, my first after college, turned into a nightmare when my cordial, supportive boss was replaced by the Lord High Executioner of Underwriting. The song refers to French poet Arthur Rimbaud and his adventures around the world. It reminded me life still promised beauty and purpose despite temporary upsets.

  3. Going with Joe’s lead, I’ll choose “Bugler’s Dream” or “Olympic Fanfare and Theme” by John Williams (1968). I’ll march in with the long distance runners (writers) and marathoners (all the great TKZers here still writing).

    I could go on about carrying our pens, disguised as swords, and throwing handfuls of our business cards to the cheering masses, but I won’t.

  4. I could also spend hours picking a song. I love so many of them, and it really would depend on which message I want to send. “Champion” by Carrie Underwood is awesome. “defying Gravity” from Wicked. “Warrior” by disturbed. … If I give it any more thought I will fill up the entire page 🙂

  5. In honor of Bastille Day: “La Marseillaise”!
    And every French man and woman would stand to attention as I walked by.
    And I would smile and wave.
    And the ladies would swoon.
    And the men would bow.

  6. Illusions by Thomas Bergersen. He turned me on to the trailer music genre. Listening to trailer music while I write greatly improves my output. He’s an amazing composer.

  7. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony (just the opening; don’t want people to have to hang around for half an hour+)

  8. Hmmm…. Tough question. The song that comes immediately to mind, given that I love historical, is Huey Lewis and “Back in Time”. 😎

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