Reader Friday: Drunk on Writing

Photo by Alan Light via Wikimedia Commons


“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.โ€ ย – Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing

Do you agree with Ray? Do you ever feel like the act of writing itself is good, or even crucial, for you?

8 thoughts on “Reader Friday: Drunk on Writing

  1. Always–even apart from fiction, writing is a tool I use to puzzle things out. It’s an extension of thinking, so it’s crucial.

  2. Thank you for the reminder of what should be an essential daily routine for writers and many others .

    I immerse myself in writing (and some bourbon does help) to escape not only reality, but also the world’s unreality, simulacra, media, cyberspace, and sensory overload (except, of course, for TKZ), and to journey into my own world and create my own reality, unreality and simulacra.

  3. I discovered a while ago that I can’t be happy in a job that doesn’t include writing. I began technical writing, then communications/marketing, and found my day job niche. Now, if I could only make fiction writing my day job…

    Yes, writing is important to me. I think, in the terms of Bradbury’s quote, I’m a writaholic. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. An author I like wrote: ‘I don’t know what I think about anything until I write about it.’ I just googled that to remind myself of who it was, and at least 25 different published writers names popped up.

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