Writing Quote for Tuesday

As mentioned yesterday, we Kill Zoners are taking a week off, but posting a writing quote each day. Fill up the comments section with your reactions!

Here is today’s quote:

“Do not look toward writing as a profession. Work at something else. Dig ditches if you have to, but keep writing in the status of a hobby that you can work at in your spare time. Writing, to me, is a hobby—by trade I’m a farmer.” – William Faulkner

Source: On Being a Writer (1989, Writer’s Digest Books, ed. Bill Strickland)

8 thoughts on “Writing Quote for Tuesday

  1. What I take from that is that writing should always be fun. While I don’t prefer to use “hobby” and “writing” in the same breath, a hobbyist is certainly characterized by having a passion that causes them to spend hours at their task–and that certainly describes writing to me.

  2. story telling is indeed my hobby. Actually its more like my addiction. And radio hosting is my other personality’s addiction.

    But being an IT nerd is my profession. By the way, I took a test at NerdTests.com this morning. I scored in the 93rd percentile and was politely informed by the system that I am a “Kinda-Dorky-Nerd_King”.

    I’m not sure how to take that. But at least I didn’t get rated as the next step up … “Mega-Dork”


  3. I’ve often argued against professional writing because the professional writer loses sight of the world he is supposed to be writing about. Just look at how many books and movies there are about writers. While they can make interesting stories, it is good to be qualified to write about something else.

  4. I have a friend who writes for television. Once, when she was facing the prospect of being without a job, I suggested she write books for a change. She burst out, “I can’t afford to write as a hobby.” Hmm. I thought it was a condescending comment at the time, but maybe I’ll rethink that now. How about writing as a highly paid hobby? That’s what we’d all like, I think.

  5. Is this like “don’t quite your day job”? That is a depressing thought. I love to write, I’d love to do something that I love as a job, rather than doing a job so I can afford to do what I love. So, I will keep the day job, but I’m going to work and dream for better…. thank you very much Mr.Faulkner!

  6. Good quote, Jim. Here’s my favorite:

    A writer never forgets the first time he accepted a few coins or a word of praise in exchange for a story.

    He will never forget the sweet poison of vanity in his blood and the belief that, if he succeeds in not letting anyone discover his lack of talent, the dream of literature will provide him with a roof over his head, a hot meal at the end of the day, and what he covets the most: his name printed on a miserable piece of paper that surely will outlive him.

    A writer is condemned to remember that moment, because from then on he is doomed, and his soul has a price.

    –Carlos Ruiz Zafon (The Angel’s Game)

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