Writing Quote for Monday

The Kill Zoners are taking a week off, so each day we’re posting a provocative quote about writing to spark a little discussion. Talk amongst yourselves. Tell us what you think of the quote. Agree? Disagree? Riff on what it might mean to you. You may even find some of us popping in to join the conversation.
Here is today’s quote:
“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.” – Ray Bradbury

Source: Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury

9 thoughts on “Writing Quote for Monday

  1. Hm-m. Not crazy about this quote. It sounds tough–one of those writing isn’t for wimps kind of adages–but it also whispers of destructive self-indulgence and habitual naval gazing. Perhaps art veering wildly out of control.

    And, really, where would writers be without reality’s ongoing array of conflicts, its dangerous and often unwelcome truths?

  2. One-hundred percent agree with this. Without reality, we’d have no inspiration for fiction. Without fiction, we’d have a very dull and depressing reality.

  3. I think he was talking about the need to keep the spark and drive of writing going–that it’s important to stay inside your creative universe, which is often vastly more entertaining than the quotidian vagaries of everyday life.

  4. I think that EC Sheedy might be reading too deeply into the quote. With all due respect, I don’t think that the quote is supposed to mirror the act of a poem, but to clearly give his opinion. But then again, I wasn’t there for when Mr. Bradbury gave it.

    As for myself, I think that this a quote that will live with me forever because I personally know how hard it can be to start writing again when life gets in the way, so to speak.

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