Hello Sixty…

John Ramsey Miller

Sixty years ago today I was born in Greenville, Mississippi at Kings Daughters Hospital. I’ve enjoyed every single day since, and look forward to the next decades and making new friends, appreciating the ones I have, and finding new challenges. Next week, for instance, as part of celebrating my 60th I am going to walk rolling plains and attempt to stalk and kill a Bison that is roughly the size of a Dodge Ram and do it with a handgun. If the Buffalo wins, you can bet I was thrown into the next county with a smile on my face. Well, maybe not a smile.

I often think about how lucky I have been. A perfect wife, a wonderful family, great friends, few enemies, great careers that enveloped me, the lessons I’ve learned, the events I’ve participated in, the people I’ve shared experiences (both good and bad) with.

This is about all I can think of to say.

12 thoughts on “Hello Sixty…

  1. Happy birthday, and many happy (and safe) returns. What do you have planned for seventy? Going bear hunting with a switch (as we say in Texas)?

  2. Happy Birthday John. May your hunt be blessed and the wind toward your face. May your cache be full with the bounty of the land. And the bison’s cape warm you and your wife long into the night.

  3. Mr. Miller, good luck in your bison hunt. I respect ethical hunting — killing your own game is the most honest way to be a meat eater.

    I’ve seen bison and they are big. Choosing to hunt one with a handgun is, well, perhaps a bit reckless. You appear to have a good life and much to live for.

    While a carefully aimed shot from a powerful handgun should do the trick, the noise may spook other buffalo nearby. If you had to turn and make a fast shot on a second animal, or bring down a wounded animal, I think a rifle would be much better.

    Remember Robert Ruark’s old maxim: Use enough gun.

    Hunt safe and hunt respectful.

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