Reader Friday: Pick a Card. Pick a Topic.

Pick a Card, Any Card – Pick a Topic, Any Topic

You’ve all received that paper letter in your mailbox or that email in your inbox. The one where your political party tells you how much they value your opinion. The one where they want you to fill out a three-page questionnaire. The one where they show you their true priorities by providing a check-off list so you can indicate how much money you are going to send them.

Well, we value your opinion, and we don’t want your money. (Actually, you can contact me privately and we’ll discuss how to make out the check.) What we really want to know is what type of blogs you would like on Fridays, and what topics you would like to see discussed (or participate in discussing).

So, today’s questions are simple:

  • What kind of a blog are you looking for on a Friday? Short, long? Detailed new information or reader participation?
  • What topics would like to see discussed?

 Thanks for your participation, and please think seriously about contributing to the KZ re-election campaign. Every penny will be put to good use (after administrative expenses are covered).