Twitter can feel like screaming into the void until you get a feel for the Twitterverse. If you tweet using a link to your blog post or website to draw traffic, you can check your blog or website stats to track the traffic from that link. Using Twitter in the right way can enhance your promo, but if you aren’t maximizing your tweets with hashtags, you’re not being as effective as you can be. That’s a waste of your precious time that you can’t afford. Here’s why:
To keep up with the latest in hashtags or look up ones you don’t understand, go to #TagDef. Below is a really good list to start with hashtags geared for authors, readers, and industry topics.
- #AmWriting
- #AmEditing
- #BookMarket (Every Thursday, 4 PM, ET)
- #IndieAuthors
- #LitChat (Every M/W/F)
- #MemoirChat (Bi-weekly Wednesday, 8 PM, ET)
- #WordCount
- #WritersLife
- #WriteChat
- #WriteTip
- #WriterWednesday (or #WW)
- #WritingParty
- #WritingTip
- #YALitChat
- #RomanceWriter
- #SciFiChat
- #KidLitChat
- #RWA (Romance Writers of America)
- #ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers)
- #MGLit (Middle Grade Lit)
- #SCBWI (Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators)
- #MemoirChat
- #AskAgent
- #AskAuthor
- #AskEditor
- #GetPublished
- #PromoTip
- #SelfPublishing
- #Publishing
- #EBooks
- #IndiePub (or #IndiePublishing)
- #BookMarketing
- #WritingPrompt
- #StoryStarter
- #WordAThon
- #Creativity
- #WIP (work in progress)
- #1K1H (write one thousand words in one hour)
- #FridayReads
- #BookGiveaway
- #Giveaway
- #Kindle
- #MustRead
- #Nook
- #Ebook
- #LitChat
- #StoryFriday
- #MustRead
Here is the Linky Tool: