First-page critiques at TKZ

We’re delighted to announce the launch of first-page critiques as a regular feature here at TKZ! You can send us the first page of your manuscript, and we’ll critique it.

Here’s how it works: Send us the first page (400 words max) of your manuscript in an email or as a Word attachment, along with the title, to the email address killzoneblog at gmail dot com. We’ll take the first 30 submissions we receive, then announce when we’re accepting submissions again. The pages will be divvied up among the Zoners for review. We’ll post the pages on recurrent Thursdays, along with a critique. Readers will be able to comment as well. Note: Critiques are done anonymously–writers names will not be posted, and reviewers will not know who authored their assigned pages.

In years past we’ve had great fun doing this exercise! We’re looking forward to reading some of your pages!

39 thoughts on “First-page critiques at TKZ

  1. Yay! What a great idea. I’d LOVE to read your critiques (and learn something)!

    One question, though: are there genre limits? Will you masters of crime & thriller fiction also critique, say, romance, science-fiction or urban fantasy?

  2. Okay, I’ve already screwed up. I excite easily.

    I barely skimmed the requirements before sending my first page. It’s 470 words and the title is nowhere to be found in my e-mail. Please chuck the first one out and accept the second.

    Very red-faced and apologizing profusely.

  3. Ho boy! I’ve reworked my opening so many times that I don’t know up from down anymore. I hope I make it in, but if not, I’ll still be excited to read the critiques of other entries. Thanks in advance.

  4. Shit. I just sent my first page for a manuscript I’m editing/reworking, and I forgot to send the Title. Send a separate email or just don’t worry about it?

  5. I’m nowhere near this stage in my writing to take part this time, but just want to say thanks to you all for doing this. It’s a great idea and I hope to pick up some pointers from your critiques.

    All the Best,


  6. Just got home from work and read about this. I’ve gone ahead and sent in my first 400 words and am crossing finger that it’s not too late to get in on the critique. Thanks for the opportunity.

    Jeannie Leighton

  7. Oh the pressure…

    Okay, I’m going to submit, but are we allowed to “Claim” our submissions after the critique? I mean if we’re ready to say “yep that’s me”?

    Oh, and on the thrilling erotica front… is that to a different address? I’ve dipped my toes in that pool under a pen name and any feedback is welcome.

  8. Thanks for doing this, it’s a great idea. Whether or not you include my page, I really look forward to reading the critiques. What could be better than pros giving their take on anonymous submissions? Not agents or editors, but successful “practitioners.”

  9. Hello: I could not locate a contact address so will post here.
    If you have my submission, Star Light Star Bright in queue please remove it.
    I will post next time round.
    Jodie Renner is going to rip me a new one on a few thousand words.
    Dave Powell

    • Thanks Susan! If there’s no title we just label it UNTITLED. You can also send another email with the title, and I will do my best as Admin to include it. Thank you!

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