Writing Quote for Saturday

Here is today’s quote. Would you give this same advice to someone?
“If you want to write fiction, the best thing you can do is take two aspirins, lie down in a dark room, and wait for the feeling to pass. If the feeling persists, you probably ought to write a novel.” – Lawrence Block
Source: Writing the Novel (1979, Writer’s Digest Books)

8 thoughts on “Writing Quote for Saturday

  1. Ah, this one I’ve read before. It made me laugh the first time I read it and it does so now.

    The feeling hasn’t passed so I know I’m on the right track. 😎

  2. I say just go do it and take the aspirin and lie down for when your plot isn’t working and you need a break (or insert “nap”) to let your head sort things out.

  3. On the subject of chairs…I chose my next hotel stay based on the desk chair in the room. Was at a Hampton Inn last weekend for a woman’s retreat and absolutely LOVED the chair. It was SO comfortable. So for my next writing weekend, that’s where I’m going–just for the chair. 😎

  4. I laid down to let the urge pass and boy did that story come alive. Instead of passing it was like a living dream. One thing that confused me though, where did the singing chicken come from? She had a good voice and all, but there’s no singing chicken in my story.

    I’m starting to wonder if those were aspirin I took.

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