Reader Friday-Let’s Go to the Movies…Again!

My last post of 2024 was a fun discussion of favorite movie lines.

Today, let’s flip that and share the Worst Movie Lines Evah! The problem with this flip is that if a movie is bad, bad, bad, we tend to let it slip out of our memory banks. And often it’s the dialogue that makes the movie forgettable so we may have, well, forgotten those lines.

But there’s one that sticks out to me, and it’s been mentioned before over the decades.

Jenny, in Love Story: Love means never having to say you’re sorry…

Really? Love means always having to say you’re sorry…even when you’re not!  🙂

Now it’s your turn, TKZers…and if you have trouble remembering those forgettable lines, just google “worst movie lines”. I did!


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About Deb Gorman

Deb Gorman is an author, blogger, and speaker who escaped from a 9-5 job in the medical field to pursue what she really loves—words, words, and more words. A lifelong resident of the Pacific Northwest, she writes fiction and non-fiction in between long walks through orchard country with her husband, Alan, and playing with their German Shepherd, Hoka. You can catch up with Deb on her website,, and email her at

24 thoughts on “Reader Friday-Let’s Go to the Movies…Again!

    • Good one, Jim . . . or should I say, “Bad one, Jim”?


      Never watched any of the Rocky movies–probably a brain glitch on my part. I know they were popular, but I just don’t get much of a thrill watching two sweaty folks in a ring beating each other’s faces in.

      Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  1. Thanks for the idea to look up bad movie lines. I found this one.

    “Somehow, Palpatine returned.”
    From Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
    Bad line from a bad movie.

    • Good morning, Michelle.

      We own all 6 of the first SW series, but never saw this one. Perhaps, seeing that horrible line, it’s best that we didn’t. As I recall, there were a few more bad lines in those movies also.

      Have a great day!

    • Good morning, Bryan.

      What does that even mean? Done? Dead? Getting dead? I guess I’d have to watch the movie–or not!

      Thanks for dropping by this morning and adding to our Bad Lines Day…

  2. Fun, Deb.

    I can’t come up with anything worse than the line you quoted from Love Story. Undeniable proof that the story is fiction.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. This one is from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in 2014. I saw it with my grandson and remember sputtering soda when the one guy says, “I want you to drain every ounce of their blood, even if it kills them.”

    That line stuck with me since I’m a nurse by profession and found it hilarious it was so bad.

    • Barbara, that’s a keeper…I mean a junker! Hilarious. I wonder who these screenwriters are, anyway. Having been 30+ years in the medical field myself in various capacities, if I’d heard that line, it would’ve been an eye roller for me, too.

      Have a good one!

  4. JENNY: Love means never having to say you’re sorry…

    The line is ambiguous, a sure sign of lousy dialogue. I suspect it’s supposed to mean, “Love means never doing anything you have to be sorry for.”

    To avoid diving into a data base, I’ll draw on my memory, which is just like one of those big grey animals’, and recite the line I remember from seeing “The Sundowners” (1960):

    SEAN: You’re not a dingo, Dad!

    What a guy!

    • Hi J!

      I think your analysis of the Love Story line is spot on.

      Dingo Dad…I like it! (Not exactly an accurate rendering, though…)

      Hope you’re having a wonderful evening!

    • Another bad line, I agree, Elaine. But it’s possibly the only line anyone remembers or quotes from the movie-go figure. 🤔

      Have a great weekend, my friend!

  5. My favorite worst/best line is: “No matter where you go, there you are,” from The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai in the 8th Dimension.

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